Toenail fungus also called Onychomycosis is a common toenail condition that affects millions of people in the US. According to the American Academy of Dermatology it affects about 12% of the population. The infection of the toenails is a slowly progressive process damaging the nail to a greater and greater degree over time. The fungus that infects the toenails is the same type of fungus that causes athletes foot. Generally it starts at the tip of the toenail and works its way back into the toenail and nail bed. The fungus lives in the bed of the toenail and feeds on the keratin in the toenail. In the early stages of the infection it is primarily a cosmetic problem or concern but as the infection progresses the toenails continue to discolor, thicken and become painful. A foul odor often accompanies the infection. Ingrown toenails are a frequent consequence of fungal toenails.
Fungal toenails are not just a problem for athletes. The infection is contagious and can be acquired in any number of locations such as areas around public swimming pools, gyms and community showers. Sweaty feet can contribute to the initial infective process and contribute to its spread. Dry scaling skin of the feet is often associated with the infection indicating a chronic athletes foot condition.
Source: Kirk A. Koepsel, D.P.M.